This photograph of a 4 point antlered deer was taken along the L-28 Interceptor Levee in Collier County, Florida. The camera gear used in this wildlife antlered deer photo was a Nikon D90. Attached to this Nikon camera body was a Tamron 28-300mm lens. The photo was taken across the canal (approx. 100′).
Definition: Antlered deer are deer having at least one antler that extends three inches or more above the skull. Antlerless deer means a deer without antlers or with antlers where the longest antler extends less than three inches above the skull.
Deer are widely distributed, with indigenous representatives in all continents except Antarctica and Australia, though Africa has only one native species, the Red Deer, confined to the Atlas Mountains in the northwest of the continent. However, Fallow Deer have been introduced to South Africa.
Deer live in a variety of habitats ranging from tundra to the tropical rainforest. Although often associated with forests, many deer are species that live in transitional areas between forests and thickets (for cover) and prairie and savanna (open space). The majority of large deer species inhabit temperate mixed deciduous forest, mountain mixed coniferous forest, tropical seasonal/dry forest, and savanna habitats around the world. Clearing open areas within forests to some extent may actually benefit deer populations by exposing the understory and allowing the types of grasses, weeds, and herbs to grow that deer like to eat. Additionally, access to adjacent croplands may also benefit deer. However, adequate forest or brush cover must still be provided for populations to grow and thrive.
Fantastic pix!
Fantastic pix!