Gulf Fritillary Butterfly



This is a photograph of a Gulf Fritillary Butterfly (Agraulis vanillae) taken at Enchanted Forest Park in North Miami, Florida. The camera gear used was a Nikon D90 with a Nikkor 60mm lens and a Tamron 2x Teleconverter.


  The Gulf fritillary is a medium-sized, orange butterfly with black markings and somewhat elongated wings. Its hindwings below are covered with numerous silvery, mercury-like patches that distinguish this butterfly from the similar and equally common monarch. Fond of open, disturbed sites, the Gulf fritillary frequently stops to nectar at colorful flowers and is a very common garden visitor. The Gulf fritillary is one of several migratory species in the Southeast. As fall approaches, adults begin a mass southward migration eventually arriving in the warm confines of South Florida to overwinter.

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    5 Thoughts to “Gulf Fritillary Butterfly”

    1. Ray.Ackerman

      Fabulous photo

    2. Alan S Hochman Photo (@Photobug52) (@Photobug52)

      Gulf Fritillary Butterfly #butterfly #featured #gulf #fritillary #insects

    3. Steven.Goldman

      Love your photography.

    4. MaxAiken

      great wildlife photography

    5. Whidbey Woman

      God is so amazing. Look at the beautiful colors and design. Wow!

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    Alan S Hochman Photography