This is a photo of a Southern Dogface Butterfly taken at Enchanted Forest Park located in North Miami, Florida. This was an attempt to creep up on the subject with a macro light ring and lens. The camera gear used on this shot was a Nikon D90 camera body, a Nikkor 60mm 2.8 and light ring.
The Southern Dogface (Zerene cesonia) is one of two members of the Zerene genus, found in the United States.
For identification purposes, the upper side forewings of both sexes have yellow “dog’s head” surrounded by black. “Eye” does not touch black border. Female similar, with duller, more diffuse black areas and 2 seasonal forms: underside hindwing of wet season “summer” form is yellow; that of dry season “winter” form is mottled with black and pink.
With a Coast to Coast range, it is also one of the more common of all Sulfur species found in the United States.
I’m very impressed with your photos.
Can you teach it to heel and roll over?
No but it does like to be walked! lol
Southern Dogface Butterfly http://bit.ly/i8skc0
Southern Dogface Butterfly http://hochmanphotography.com/2011/03/southern-dogface-butterfly/
RT @Photobug52: Southern Dogface Butterfly http://hochmanphotography.com/2011/03/southern-dogface-butterfly/
RT @Photobug52: Southern Dogface Butterfly http://hochmanphotography.com/2011/03/southern-dogface-butterfly/
Southern Dogface Butterfly http://hochmanphotography.com/2011/03/southern-dogface-butterfly/ Good capture Alan
Its colour is a very good source of camouflage
I love butterflies and when you get real up close, you can see the wonder of nature, such as the really variegated, vivid colors, and the velvety texture of its wings. Have you ever taken the picture of the chrysalis? For the monarch butterfly, it’s gold and transparent like in the fairy tale dream.