Great Pondhawk Dragonfly at Enchanted Forest Park

"Great Pondhawk Dragonfly at Enchanted Forest Park, North Miami, FL"


ENCHANTED FOREST PARK, NORTH MIAMI, FL                                                                                                                                                                             

This photo is of a Great Pondhawk dragonfly, taken at Enchanted Forest Park, located in North Miami, Florida on NE 135th Street, just before Biscayne Blvd. The camera gear used in this photo of a Great Pondhawk dragonfly was a Nikon D90 camera body to which a Nikkor 60mm 2.8 lens was attached.

The Great Pondhawk (Erythemis vesiculosa) is a dragonfly of the family Libellulidae. These insects are native to the southern United States and Mexico.

It is interesting to note that the Great Pondhawk Dragonfly prefer the more tropical regions in the world. The Great Pondhawk dragonfly enjoys still water so they have a good place to lay their eggs. Like all dragonflies the Great Pondhawk needs still water to lay their eggs because when the babies are born they have a small air sac so they can climb up a weed to the surface.

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    5 Thoughts to “Great Pondhawk Dragonfly at Enchanted Forest Park”

    1. Angel.Ruiz

      Fabulous photo

    2. Ray.Ackerman

      Way cool dude!

    3. Very impressive capture ! Congratulation !

    4. Alan S. Hochman

      Thank you kindly

    5. Ayesha

      How refreshing. Green totally re-energizes me!

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    Alan S Hochman Photography