This capture is of a Ruddy Daggerwing Butterfly taken at Enchanted Forest Park in North Miami, Florida. The subject was photographed using a Nikon D90 with a Nikkor 60mm lens, a Tamron 2x teleconverter, and a light ring for better lighting control.
Ruddy Daggerwing Butterfly (Marpesia petreus) is a bright, large butterfly that attracts the attention of birds; possibly because the hooked fore wing tips and hind wing tails divert attacks from vital parts. Although the caterpillars thrive on fig leaves, adults love rotting figs, other fruits, and giant milkweed. Nature trails through hardwood hammocks in Everglades National Park are good places to watch for the Ruddy Daggerwing, although this butterfly was spotted in a city park.
Did you go to school for this???
Awesomw pix
Great photos “in the wild”!
Alan, You got treal alent
Did you go to school for this???